I wanted to make a man fishing in the midnight sun, proudly holding up his beautiful catch with one hand. I got all kinds of gross fantasy fish monsters, and because people need to hold a fish with their hand, too many fingers as usual. I also got a grumpy guy, obviously discontent with the …
Why aren’t there more religious people?
I am an atheist and therefore writing religious people isn’t something that interests me deeply. Religion makes for boring fantasy characters most of the time. Besides, most religious people go on about their religion in a quiet way, and so do most of my fantasy characters, if they have some sort of belief. Like so …
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions will be answered in this article, and below them you will find more topics I have written separate articles on. What is Bjartey? What do you mean by “fictional vikings”? What do you mean by “vikings”? What are these characters based on? So, are there dragons? What about orcs, hobbits and fairies? …
From Mars to Mordor, hot is cold
“A naked man sitting in a hot spring in the midnight sun” was the main prompt for this picture. But something went terribly wrong and the AI decided that hot springs were the same as cold springs. Ice cold springs. In fact, ice, without any spring. So that’s why he’s in the middle of a …
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Who we are Our website address is: https://www.bjartey.com. The following applies to all pages under the domain www.bjartey.com. You can find more information about the person behind the Bjartey project at https://www.lanoki.de (in German) What data is collected, and how? Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the …