When Sólmundr adopted him, Ómarr quickly learned the language. They remain very close and always sail together.
Tells his foster-father everything and expects the same, so he has no idea that his foster-father is gay, and has always attributed not having a foster-mother to them being away from home so much of the time.
Cannot remember much about his early age at the Silver Sea [Mediterranean] coast. What he knows about it comes mostly from Sólmundr’s stories.
- surprising people who don’t know him by addressing them in a flawless manner, or reciting poems
- the hard-nosed way in which Sólmundr protects him from mockery, even though Ómarr himself takes pride in never attacking someone physically
- dreaming about marrying a nice young woman one day and living with her, both of them taking good care of Sólmundr in his old age. So far the women haven’t shown much interest
- people suggesting he “return home” someday; always answers that Sólmundr’s stead is his home
- being singled out as “different” because he doesn’t feel any different
- being called “blue boy”
- meat products, eats them, but prefers fish
- having to get up early
- overly meticulous ship maintenance (this is the only topic where they disagree, but in the end Sólmundr with his experience always wins)
Note: His name Omar (written Ómarr in Old Norse) has not been verified as being appropriate for the period and is subject to change accordingly. Related: About the use of country names