Lost his son and got badly injured in a feud with Hrappr’s family. The long time it took him to heal both physically and emotionally left him tired of feuding and fighting, and he now seeks only compensation at the local thing, and if need be, at the Althing, and is willing to let the …
Ingibjörg, daughter of Örn
Has only recently come to Bjartey because she was fostered by Garðar Blackmantle in [Sweden], a rich and powerful jarl. Her foster-father and her father had decided it was time for her to “come home” so she can marry someone in Bjartey — mainly to increase her father’s influence. She doesn’t feel at home at …
Gunnbjörn, son of Gunnsteinn
Came to Bjartey with this whole family: his parents, wife and young children, in the hope to be able to better support themselves on a bigger plot than what they had. They have a lot of land now with grassland, low woods at the foot of a mountain, access to the shore, and a small …
Tiny Þórðr, son of Þorgils
Was tiny when he was born and was not expected to live, but the whole family nourished him as best they could and carried him around day and night, and he survived. They hoped he would make up for his deficiency in physical strength with mental prowess, but that wish has not come to fruition. …
Þórhalla, daughter of Kjartan
Decisive and opinionated, gets into discussions and arguments frequently. Makes harsh and hurtful remarks about other people. Hardworking, but still thinks it’s never enough. Had twins when she was quite young, but has had several miscarriages since. Is very protective of her children even as they grow up and has trouble letting them go. It’s …
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions will be answered in this article, and below them you will find more topics I have written separate articles on. What is Bjartey? What do you mean by “fictional vikings”? What do you mean by “vikings”? What are these characters based on? So, are there dragons? What about orcs, hobbits and fairies? …
Kolgrímr, son of Ketill Bloodaxe
Hard to bargain against, but a fair judge when called to appease conflicts, which he frequently is. Loyal and diplomatic, he is also a good representative at court, and a fair-minded leader, taking good care of his follower’s affairs. Has been having second thoughts about his past as a viking raider and slave trader, but …
Jófríðr, daughter of Illugi the Red
Has been profoundly unhappy since her mother left and her father’s new partner moved in. While she doesn’t miss the frequent fighting and screaming of her parents she feels her father has completely forgotten about his children, only caring about the new woman. Lost her appetite, has trouble falling asleep, and when her sleep is …
Hlíf, daughter of Gísli
Collects and grows roots and herbs and uses them as spices, in ointments, and as medication. She also sells them by walking from farm to farm at the end of the summer, and attending gatherings and markets in the village. Every time, she has to take her two daughters with her which makes their journey …
Eyjólfr the Quick, son of Gunnlaugr
Skilled archer because he has been training since he was a small boy, but has started to develop aching swellings and stiffness in the joints, causing shooting and arrow-making to be painful. His mother makes ointments from herbs and fat for him, and while he thinks they help, he sometimes gets drunk and tearful and …