Take into account the period your character lives in Naming practices have changed over the ages. For example, most Scandinavian countries have introduced surnames at some point, but Viking Age people only used what they called “kenningarnafn”, which is a patronym, matronym, sometimes a byname, and/or, very rarely, a place name to denominate one specific …
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What are these characters for?
First and foremost, they are my art and literature project. They are my way of telling a very, very short story in non-fiction style (the style I’m most comfortable with) aided by a strong visual cue (which I use as a writing prompt). I’m having fun coming up with the biographies of fantasy inhabitants of …
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions will be answered in this article, and below them you will find more topics I have written separate articles on. What is Bjartey? What do you mean by “fictional vikings”? What do you mean by “vikings”? What are these characters based on? So, are there dragons? What about orcs, hobbits and fairies? …