Showing: 11 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
Viking Characters

Þorbjörg She-Seal from Holt

Walks from house to house and tells news and stories in exchange for food and shelter. Conversely, she accepts provisions in exchange for not telling certain news at the next house, but she never accepts a bribe to lie. Her nickname comes from the seal-skin cloak she wears. The fur has worn off in some …

Viking Characters

Kolgrímr, son of Ketill Bloodaxe

Hard to bargain against, but a fair judge when called to appease conflicts, which he frequently is. Loyal and diplomatic, he is also a good representative at court, and a fair-minded leader, taking good care of his follower’s affairs. Has been having second thoughts about his past as a viking raider and slave trader, but …

Viking Characters

Jófríðr, daughter of Illugi the Red

Has been profoundly unhappy since her mother left and her father’s new partner moved in. While she doesn’t miss the frequent fighting and screaming of her parents she feels her father has completely forgotten about his children, only caring about the new woman. Lost her appetite, has trouble falling asleep, and when her sleep is …

Viking Characters

Hlíf, daughter of Gísli

Collects and grows roots and herbs and uses them as spices, in ointments, and as medication. She also sells them by walking from farm to farm at the end of the summer, and attending gatherings and markets in the village. Every time, she has to take her two daughters with her which makes their journey …