Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS
A fantasy viking woman sitting outside in the midnight sun
About this Project

Are these characters made using AI?

Yes, the portraits are. The characters themselves are not, and to the best of my knowledge they can’t be done well using today’s AI tools. I have experimented a little with text-based AI, and while the first character reads astonishingly well, the moment you read the third or fourth character you realize it’s all just …

A fantasy viking woman standing at the beach, looking over the sea, in the sunset
Viking Characters

Sólrún, daughter of Kjallakr

Has been sailing with her father from when she could barely walk, the reason being that her mother died in childbirth (her little brother died soon after). Knows the star constellations by heart, making her an excellent navigator at night. Wants to seek her fortune and get her own merchant ship, but doesn’t know how …